Super Kids 4, Day 3

How is it already the last full day of Camp? These Super Kids are bringing the energy to every activity we do, and we are having so much fun!!

Yesterday afternoon ended with a fun game called Animal’s Got Talent. Cabins got creative and dressed up their counselors with crazy items from their cabin. Then, once the picked the animal, they had to think of a talent for the animal to perform! We had everything from joke telling to fashion modeling. What a creative group we have this week!

Right after the game, we had free time. Yesterday’s free time highlight was zip line and laser tag! At camp, we have some amazing laser taggers that have scopes accurate up to a football field away. As the campers played, you could hear shouts of “Medic, medic! Man down, man down!” and “Target down! Two in a row!” The joy on their faces as they found hiding spots was unmatched. 

Zip line is another really fun thing at Camp. The Screaming Eagle Zip Line is always a favorite among campers young and old! 

Following free time, we had flag lowering and dinner. For dinner, it was taco Tuesday! Woohoo!

After dinner was some of the funnest fun here at Super Kids, the carnival!!! We had all sorts of different stations. From laughing booths, to fishing, to slip n slides, to dunk tanks, to plinko, we had it all! (Oh, and did I mention there was popcorn? ) Campers could earn tickets at certain booths, and spend them at others. Once they earned enough tickets, you could spend them on hair chalk, face paint, or dunking any staff member!


Talk to your camper about the carnival.  What do they remember doing?  What was their favorite station?  Did they decide to spend their tickets, or did they save them for cabin points? Can they tell you about any of the games? 

The carnival left all the campers feeling excited and energized, which was perfect, because evening free time was next. There were plenty of 4-square and octoball games to be had all around the hub. They also had time to grab a quick snack from the canteen, or just catch up with friends after a long fun day.

Jesus offers life to every single one of us!

Chapel was up next. Last night, Jackson talked about Jesus’ power over life and death. He told us about his favorite verse, Romans 10:9, which says “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” He reminded us of the truths that we’ve learned, and called us to remember how much Jesus cares for us. He challenged us to really think about the things we have learned this week and how to apply them to our lives.


Talk to your camper about Tuesday chapel.  What was something new that they learned? Did their cabin have a discussion after? Can they explain it to you in their own words?

This morning started off like all the others with polar dip, flag raising and breakfast. After that, we had morning chapel. Today we had a guest speaker, Anna Watkins. She taught us about how the Bible is structured and how to find verses in the bible using the reference.

Tonight we will be having the campfire! Pray that we will not only have fun, but the presence of the Lord will be over these campers and that he will touch them in a personal way.

Keep on the lookout for photos coming to the gallery today!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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