Junior Highers have arrived and are ready for The Funnest Fun Camp has to offer! Even though they have been here for less than 24 hours, it has been packed with fun. We can tell that this week is going to be an absolute blast!
As campers arrived yesterday, they found their cabin, met their counselors and cabin mates, and had the opportunity to take their swim tests. Some of them even found their way to the Trading Post and the Canteen!
Once everyone arrived, we all met at the Steps of Faith to introduce the non-counseling staff and learn how to lower the flag. Some of our staff volunteered to teach the campers so they can have the opportunity to do it sometime later this week!
Next was dinner! We had a delicious picnic dinner with pizza, vegetables, and cookies. Counselors led their cabins to a special spot around camp for some group bonding and a quick tour of the Camp grounds. There are so many fun places at Camp, we want to make sure campers know all about them!

Following dinner, campers got to head to the Chalet for rules chapel! We sang actions songs, heard from our speaker, and learned the rules for The Funnest Fun here at Camp. Though it took some convincing, we eventually got them jumping around and having just as much fun as the staff!
Our speaker, Zach Klein, challenged the Junior Highers to ask “where is God showing up in my life?” He told stories of his childhood and how God continually showed up and made His presence known. Ask your Junior Higher how they saw God show up this week. How have they seen Him show up at home? How are they going to challenge themselves to keep looking for God’s presence after Camp?
After chapel, it was evening free time and then it was time for a game! Our game last night was free the hostage. It is very similar to capture the flag, but each team had to find and rescue 4 hostages from the opposing teams side. There was lots of running, laughter, and water being splashed by bezerkers! At the end of two fun-filled rounds, it was time for lights out. Campers headed back to their cabins to get ready for bed and to listen to some nighttime devos that their counselors prepared for them.
This morning started off with a splash! We had 61 campers participate in our morning Polar Dip! This is a tradition at camp and for those that do it every day this week, there is a prize given out at closing rally valued somewhere between $0 and $1 million dollars (Probably closer to $0). The campers this morning had a blast showing off their jumping skills while I watched and captured it on camera. We have some skilled Polar Dippers this week!

To stay updated on all the fun here at camp, check out our photo gallery (linked below) and our social media accounts!
We can’t wait to see how the Lord works in the lives of these campers this week! Please pray that their hearts will be touched by the messages and that they will be drawn closer the the heart of our Mighty Savior, Risen Lord, and Living Word, the one who gave His all for us; Jesus.

Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!