Junior High 2, Day 3

We can hardly believe that it is already Day 3 of Junior High 2! These fantastic Junior Highers have truly made this week so fun, and it has been such a joy to witness their smiles and laughter that can be found all around Camp. We are looking forward to what the rest of the week has in store for them, and all the fun that will be had! 

The rest of Tuesday afternoon was so good, and so fun! There were lots of activities happening at Camp during Free Time. Swimming down at the waterfront was a popular option, especially with our new water toy – The Neptune! A trampoline on the water?! SO fun! The 4 o’clock option was bingo in the Main Hall with Brook! We had lots of campers participate to win either a Tootsie Pop, or cabin points. Once the bell rang ending Free Time, we all met at the Ampitheatre for Flag Lowering and dinner. Then, the VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT!! This is a camper favorite, and often the highlight of the week! Cabins get to represent their flag’s colors with face paint, and they truly go all out. These Junior Highers were so excited, they were practically running to the North 40 to start the tournament! Not even a little rain could put a damper on their excitement for all the fun, laughter, and memories that are made during the Volleyball Tournament!

Jesus loves you EVEN MORE.

After the volleyball tournament, it was time for Chapel, where Jon talked about how even though we are made in the image of God, we are broken by our sin. While the wages of sin is death, God is good, and He is just! Jon reminded campers of John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” That kind of love is unfathomable. It is a love we cannot fathom. That love is for YOU. Jon ended Chapel last night reminding campers that we were designed to be in relationship with Jesus, and all we have to do is ask!


Ask your camper what they took away from Chapel last night. Do they believe that the unfathomable love in John 3:16 is for  them? Pray with your camper and ask that God would reveal His mercy and sweetness to them as they seek after Him.

We end each night with devotionals in every individual cabin, and then it will be time for lights out! The last few days have been busy, but packed full of The Funnest Fun, and we are looking forward to the last days with these Junior Highers at Camp. 

Check out the blog again tomorrow to see what these campers will be up to tomorrow for their last full day at Camp! 


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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