We are on Day #2 of Junior High 2, and it has been an absolute BLAST thus far! These campers have truly filled Camp with their contagious laughter, big smiles, and life-giving presence! It is almost hard to believe we are already on Day 2 with these amazing campers, but we are looking forward to what the Lord has planned for the rest of their week.
Picking up where we left off yesterday, after Clinics and Seminars, it was time for Afternoon Free Time! As a camper favorite, Free Time is always a hit, no matter where you go at Camp! Campers can be found swimming at the waterfront, out and about in the Hub, playing Carpetball on the Chalet porch, fishing down at the fishing docks, in the craft room, playing lasertag, or flying above the trees at the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline! Per usual, there is always a 4 o’clock option – yesterday it was Just Dance in the Main Hall! How fun!
Once the bell rang ending Afternoon Free Time, campers and staff alike met at the Steps of Faith for Flag Lowering. Last night, Denmark cabin lowered the flag for us, and they did a great job! Then it was time to head into the Dining Hall for dinner. After dinner, campers gathered with their cabins for a game! Called “Penny Pinchers”, the goal is for cabins to come up with an entirely new purpose for a random item, and as a cabin, become salespeople and try to sell that new-purposed item to staff members at stations for tickets. After collecting as many tickets as they could, it was finally Canteen Time! Highly sought-after and long-awaited, campers lined up outside the windows to get their fill of treats and snacks before meeting under the Tent for Chapel.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are made in the image of God.
Jon Finke
After an action song and some worship, we welcomed our speaker for the week, Jon Finke, to the stage! Just like Chapel on the first night, we played another round of “This or That,” but this time it was hobby edition! So fun to continue to get to know each other by learning about what we all enjoy! In Chapel, Pastor Jon talked about how AWESOME our God is, and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our Creator!
Talk with your camper about Chapel last night. Do they believe they are made in the image of their Creator? Pray with your camper; that they would know with full certainty that they are fearfully and wonderfully made!
After a good night of rest, this beautiful Tuesday morning began at the waterfront with Polar Dip! Then, similar to yesterday, we raised the Flag, ate breakfast, had Cabin Time, and Free Time! Next was lunch, Mail Call, and then Clinics and Seminars. We have a fun rest of the day planned, and we’re so excited for how the Lord is going to work this week!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!