Junior High 3, Day 3

We are already on Day 3 of Junior High 3! It is so crazy how fast this week has flown by! These Junior Highers have filled Camp with their joyous laughter, and big smiles; it has been a joy to witness the fun they’ve been having this week.These last three days have been an absolute blast and we are looking forward to the next two days left with these fantastic campers! 

This chilly, yet beautiful Wednesday morning started out with a splash down at the waterfront with Polar Dip! Next, it was time for Flag Raising, Morning Movement, learning our Memory Verse (John 1:1!) and breakfast. This morning was french toast sticks, sausage patties, fruit, and of course – the always delicious, always heart-healthy, Camp Lebanon OATMEAL! Then it was time for Morning Chapel, where we split guys and girls. Brook, our Master of Ceremonies, spoke for Women’s Chapel, and Seth, our worship leader, spoke for Men’s Chapel. Camp truly loves Split Chapels, as we are able to connect and mentor these Junior High campers in a more individualized setting! Then, it’s time for Cabin Time, Morning Free Time, and lunch. After we all get our fill for lunch, we head back to the Ampitheatre for mail call! After the giggles settle down, Brook is then brought back to the stage, and announces that it is time for Clinics and Seminars, and we all split up to learn more about specific topics and how they relate to the Bible and God!

We then move right into afternoon Free Time! Campers really enjoy this time of the day during their week at Camp. It is a time they get to choose what to do with, and there are tons of options that Camp has to offer! Campers can be found making a splash down at the waterfront on our new water toys, playing Octoball and 4-square in the Hub, bouncing a ball back and forth on the sand-volleyball court, or just enjoying fellowship with one another around Camp! But don’t forget about 1-on-1’s with counselors – this is truly a special thing we do at Camp. Each camper gets to sign-up for a 1-on-1 with their counselor, and spend intentional time getting to know them, and learning from them, ask questions, or just hang out! Once the bell rings, it is the end of Free Time, and we all meet at the Steps of Faith for Flag Lowering and dinner. Then, the VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT! This is the huge highlight of the week for our Junior High campers! Everything from the competitive nature of a volleyball game, getting to hang out as a cabin and bond together, and of course, getting all decked out in facepaint of your cabin’s flag colors! These Junior Highers were no exception – they were all full of energy and ready for the volleyball tournament. Tons of smiles, laughter, and cheers could be found at the North 40 during this event! 

After the volleyball tournament, it was time for Chapel, where Grant talked about salvation, and what it means to be saved in Christ Jesus. He reminded campers that none of us are perfect, but that God sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross for each and every one of us, and because of that sacrifice, we can have a relationship with God and no longer have to live in darkness. Grant asked campers if they’d like to give their life to Jesus, or rededicate their lives. Seth, our worship leader this summer, then led us in worship, providing a special opportunity to meet with Jesus for campers and staff alike. 


Ask your camper about what they did during Day 3 of their week at Camp! What’s their favorite Free Time activity? What has been their favorite part of the week so far?

After Chapel, it was time to end this full day of fun! After being dismissed from Chapel, everyone went back to their cabins to get ready for bed, and for devos with their counselors. Then, it was time for lights out! 

This week has been so fun with these Junior Highers, and we are looking forward to the rest of the time we have with each of them! Continue praying for these campers, and make sure to come back tomorrow to see what they’ll be up to during their last full day at Camp! 


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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