New Legends Field Sponsors Hit a Grand Slam!

The Robinson Family (Silver Bay) knocked it out of the park in blessing Camp and the family’s matriarch, Hellen Robinson. After signing on as a  Legend Field wall sponsor, the family came up with a beautiful sign featuring the Split Rock Lighthouse, a treasured landmark in their “backyard” up on the North Shore. 

The big reveal was saved for Women’s Retreat 1, when the Robinson girls surprised Helen on her 89th birthday. What a joy filled celebration for these big Camp Lebanon fans!  

Sponsor revenues advance Camp ministries by underwriting over $11,000 in program “fun stuff” each year. The 2023 project was the super fun water apparatus added to the swimming area. Kids loved it! 

Interested in how you can become a sponsor for the Wiffle Ball Stadium at Camp?  You can contact Monte for more info!

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