Senior High, Day 2

There’s an air that fills Camp when Senior Highers are here, that is like no other. As they smile and laugh with each other, it is so evident that the Lord is doing a great work in their hearts. As they sit down to eat together in the Dining Hall, I walk around to see them engaging each other in fellowship. As they participate and bring energy to games all around Camp, it is clear how passionate they are. Finally, as I take a stroll around Camp during camper TAG Time, I see an incredible desire in each one of them, to know our Savior and to love others like He has first loved us. 

This truly is a special week at Camp, and this week has been nothing short of that thus far!

Looking back at yesterday afternoon, after Team Intros, campers got a little bit of morning free time because we finished early! Soon though, it was time to meet back at the Ampitheatre for lunch line-up, where Brook had musical chairs set up to play before heading down to the Dining Hall to eat! After lunch, it was time for mail call, and then Clinics and Seminars! This is a special time for Senior Highers, as most of them really want to take things away from this time and learn from our lovely Camp Staff! 

After Clinics and Seminars, it was finally Free Time! Anything goes (within reason, of course) during Free Time! From swimming on the waterfront, to crafts in the Craft Room, or even taking a nap, Senior Highers truly love and value this time during the day. Ending Free Time was the bell that brings everyone back to the Steps of Faith for Flag Lowering. During Senior High, one of the best parts of this time of the day is getting to see everyone’s outfits for the theme dinner that night – tonight was Superoheros! Following dinner was Chapel in the Tent! Before our speaker, Pete, got on stage, we got to spend intentional time in worship led by our worship leader, Seth! 

Trusting God in the little battles will produce a deep-rooted faith that will last through the tough battles.

Evening Chapel is always a great time, especially with Senior Highers! The praises they sing, their ears opened to hear the message, and their hearts softened all combine for a truly special time all together in the Tent. During Chapel, Pete spoke on 1 Samuel, the story of David and Goliath. He encouraged these Senior Highers to analyze the faith that David had in God, even though he was faced with a battle that he could never have won on his own. We so often can get stuck in the mindset that we cannot face and fight our battles because they are too big, or too hard. What if David had gotten stuck there? Instead, he put his faith and trust in God, and stood on the promise that God will fight for him. And He did! 

So, three takeaways:

– God prepares you for what He calls you to. 

– God will bring glory, because of His name.

– God will fight for you. 



Talk with your camper about Chapel last night. What does it look like to fully put your faith and trust in God? Do they feel they are following in David’s example?

After Chapel, it was Team Time, and the Canteen was open too! Then, these Senior Highers got to play a game, called Persecution! After running their hearts out, looking to save Christianity (the goal of the game!), it was time for bed. 

Please continue to pray for these Senior Highers, and their week at Camp! 


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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