Junior High 2 – Day Three

Another full day of Junior High 2! Here's the blog recap!

Chapel last night was all about who we are in Christ – Jesus created everything, including us!  Joe had everyone draw an animal or a creature.  How cool would it be to be able to speak what was drawn on paper into being?  That’s exactly what Jesus did (Gen 1:1-2; John 1:1).  Joe talked about how we are created with a purpose, and then he had campers turn to their neighbor and tell them something that they like about how God created them.  We might wish some things about us were different, and we might not like some things, but we are not a mistake!  We are carefully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-16).  Children of God, created on purpose.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Joe gave each camper something to bring home with them, to remind them about their identity.  Ask your camper about that item.  What is important for them to remember about their identity?  Who gets to define who they are?


This morning, campers went polar-dipping, ate a yummy breakfast of scrambled eggs, doughnuts, pineapple & grapes, and strawberry yoghurt.  As always, there was the option of the always delicious, always heart-healthy, Camp Lebanon oatmea!  Then campers had TAG time (Time Alone with God), and Morning Chapel.

Then it was time for morning Free Time & Cabin Time!  For the first part of the morning, campers got to just hang out and mingle around Camp, playing on the Hub or in the Game Room, and some even got to start on their Tie-Dye shirts or bandanas!  Then it was Cabin Time, where cabin groups came together to do an activity with their counselor.  Some cabins played mafia in the Octoball court, some played 4-square and 9-square, and some played Volleyball (gearing up for the big game tonight!).

Then it was on to lunch – it was Taco Tuesday, so we had Tacos in a Boat!  It started to get a little rainy outside, but that didn’t stop campers from enjoying the Mail Call skit and then dispersing to their various Seminars and Clinics.  Today’s options included “Trusting God,” “Environmentalism,” “Biblical Crash Course,” “Missions,” & a Q&A Time with the speaker, Joe.

Then it was on to Free Time!  It was wet and drizzly, but with no thunder or lightning, the beach and zipline could both be open!  It was perfect weather for a dip in the lake or a ride down the zipline.  There were also many campers that spent the afternoon in the Craft Room!

Tonight was the big game – the Volleyball Tournament.  Each cabin plays as a team, usually coming up with a fun team cheer and a team uniform (sometimes involving face paint).  This is a great chance to build cabin unity, to encourage team work, and to reinforce this very real Camp truth: “The team that has the most fun wins!”

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask for a story from the Volleyball Tournament.  Did your camper’s team have a cheer or some kind of uniform?  How many games did they play?  What were some other activities up on the North 40 Field during the tournament?

After Volleyball there will be another Chapel session with Joe.  We will recap that in tomorrow’s blog post!  We’ve had a great day at Camp!  Can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us.

To continue following the story this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

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