Celebrate “I LOVE CAMP!” Week
August 24-31, 2020
Exciting news! In this season of uncertainty five families have teamed up to encourage Camp’s ministry with a $27,000 matching gift challenge. You can double the blessing during “I LOVE CAMP!” week.
Back in March, Camp was on target for “2020 in 2020” with youth registrations running 200+ ahead of last year’s record pace. Enter COVID. In mid-May, safety concerns canceled all summer youth events. Campers cried. So did staff. Why? WE ALL LOVE CAMP!
In God’s goodness, Camp was approved for Family Resort ministry this summer. Families are having a blast! Unfortunately, the loss of summer sessions and rentals makes for a huge hole financially. What’s more, capacity restrictions for fall and winter appear inevitable. Praise the Lord for the many friends who are filling the gap. Will you say, “I LOVE CAMP!” and help sustain the ministry through to next summer?
Thanks for being a part of the Camp Lebanon story!
https://camplebanon.org/donate OR MAIL TO: Camp Lebanon 1205 Acorn Rd, Burtrum MN 56318
The first $27,000 will be matched.
Hop onto Facebook or Instagram and tell why you and your family love Camp.
Please tag “Camp Lebanon!”
Post a reminder on your fridge and join Camp’s prayer team.
Thank you for praying!
“We support Camp because of its formative, multigenerational influence on our family. Grandpa and Grandma met there as teenagers in the ‘60’s. The kids all attended and worked from the ‘90s. Now all our grandkids have decided that Camp Lebanon is their own favorite meeting place—cousins making lifelong memories!”
“Just learned that all youth events were canceled and it hurt my heart. I grew up going to Camp every summer since first grade. I signed up for Sweat Team and LIT and spent my summers junior counseling. Camp was my favorite place in the world. I can’t donate much, but felt compelled to help in whatever way I could. Many thanks!”