Junior Summer Staff

Junior Staff Summer Opportunities

** If you have not completed SWEAT Team, Service Crew, and LIT, click here

Upon graduating the D3 program, students will have the opportunity to become a Junior Staff member (which means on top of spending a ridiculously awesome summer at Camp, we pay you to be here)! There are three different areas at Camp in which you may choose to work: Counseling, Program, or Operations.

See summer highlights in our photo albums!

Three Ways to Serve

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Junior Staff who enter into the Counseling track will find themselves in a cabin for the week, counseling alongside a Senior Counselor. That means eating, playing, running, diving, carpetballing, and swimming with a cabin of up to ten campers. This position provides many opportunities to love on and share Jesus with your campers!


Any Junior Staff who wishes to work on the Program side of camp can apply for a Junior Program position (this means your summer will be full of things like games, zipline, crafts, and laser tag). The Junior Program team is comprised of five Junior Staff that will work with their supervisor to set up games and keep free time at Camp running smoothly. It is a lot of work, but a great team can make Camp an incredible experience for everyone!

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A Junior Staff who wants to work in Operations will apply to work in either Maintenance, Housekeeping, or Dining Hall. Not only will they be able to work under and be discipled by their supervisor, they will also be able to start mentoring the next generation of SWEAT Team and Service Crew! There is one Junior Staff position for each of the three areas of operations, and each of these positions work directly under their supervisor.

start your summer adventure.

How To Apply

  1.  Have one personal reference ready.  You’ll need their email and phone number.
  2. Have one spiritual reference ready.  You’ll need their email and phone number.
  3. Know the dates you want to work.  View the Summer Camp Schedule.
  4. Complete our online application.  Use your personal email address.

Please, contact us with any questions you might have. Apply early – D3 and Jr. Staff positions are limited and sessions fill quickly!

Camp Lebanon reserves the right to limit employment, teaching opportunities, and guest privileges based on Camp Lebanon’s doctrinal statement, policies, mission statement, and the Bible.

Questions? Contact us here.