We’ve brushed up on our action songs, earned our CPR and first aid certification, and bonded as a staff. Now we just have to meet our campers!
Super Kids 1 is just days away, and for the past week, the senior staff of 2016 has been hard at work prepping for an awesome summer. We’ve planned chapels and devos, organized clinics and seminars, and brainstormed carnival games and variety show skits. And we’re so excited to share it all with you!

Aside from the logistics and program side of the preparation, much of our time is devoted to our relationships with Christ. Through TAG time in the mornings, evening worship sessions, sharing how God has been working in our lives, and praying about the summer, we’re making sure we remember why we’re here – to show God’s love to campers and live out our faith.
And it’s been so much fun! Through “family road trips” and many, many pick-up games of Ultimate (seriously, so many games), we’ve made new friends and have grown so much closer together. Though we arrived as strangers, acquaintances, or maybe old friends, the staff of 2016 is leaving staff training as a unified group.
There’s a great summer of ministry and fun ahead of us. See you in a few days!