Thank you God for a really great SuperKids 1!

A blog post about the closing day of SuperKids 1 at Camp Lebanon

The first week of Camp for the summer went by quickly! After a morning filled with cinnamon rolls, laughter, fun, and goodbyes, all of the campers have left. We miss them already!DSC_0044

Our closing rally featured a fun video with highlights from the week, favorite worship songs, a love offering for Source of Life Camp in Ukraine, and a final message from our speaker Brian Schrader.DSC_0042

Also, the pies flew for our traditional celebration of the end of the week (and a fun incentive for keeping God’s word in our hearts). Campers memorized Bible verses throughout the week to be put in a drawing to pie a staff member in the face. Byron, Ben, and Weston will smell like whipped cream for days, and these campers will have God’s word in their hearts for life.DSC_0085

Thank you God for a really great first week of the summer! We will see you next year!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more photos: Super Kids Album

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