Super Kids 2 – Day Four

Last night, campers had a blast at our Carnival!  They played games, won tickets, ate popcorn, danced around to music, and even got to dunk their counselors in the dunk tank.  We had carpetball tournaments, different carnival games, and a slip ‘n’ slide too!  It was a ton of fun.

Then, at Chapel last night, Maryn told introduced campers to the Creator!  We learned all about him and the story of the Creator coming to our rescue.  We learned that, because of what happened at the Fall, we need a Savior.  Our Creator is Jesus, and He became human (“The Word became flesh”).  Jesus had power over Creation – He performed miracles of nature, time, and knowledge.  And our Creator, Jesus, died on the cross to save us.  God invites us to a new life in Jesus.  Maryn invited campers to talk with their counselors last night if they wanted to know more about accepting Christ.

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Talk to your camper about how we need Jesus.  How did Adam and Even disobey God?  What did Jesus do to save us from our sin?  Discuss more with your camper about what a new life in Jesus looks like for them – how can they live for Jesus every day?

Today, campers woke up to a little bit of sunshine and a little bit of rain on and off.  But the weather cleared up quickly and we had a gorgeous day of warm, sunny skies.  Campers Polar Dipped, ate some breakfast, cleaned their cabins, and went to Morning Chapel.  They had some Free Time and Cabin Adventure time with their counselors before gathering for lunch.

Then it was time for Mail Call and Toes-Up, followed by FREE TIME!  Today, with only a few sessions of Laser Tag and no zipline, campers mostly spent the day in the water!  There were tons of swimmers on this incredibly hot day, and also lots of campers hanging out on the Hub, playing carpetball in the game room, and doing lots of fun crafts.

Then it was time for Flag Lowering and dinner!  Campers had pizza tonight, with salad and giant chocolate chip cookies for dessert.  Then it was time for Chapel.  Tonight, Maryn talked about how our Creator is still alive and busy!  When Jesus died, it wasn’t for good.  He rose again and, because of that, we are new creations!  God is continuing to hold the universe together, creating new life, and making new Christians.  And He is getting heaven ready for us.  As God’s kids, we can have peace (God is in control), help (God has the power!), and hope (God knows the future)!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your camper about how God is still creating.  What are some examples of how He is alive and busy in the universe?  Read Psalm 139.  What does it mean to be “wonderfully made?”  Read 2 Corinthians 5:17.  What does it mean to be a new creation?  Talk about ways you and your camper might need some peace, help, and hope.  Pray together about those things!

After Chapel, campers had some Free Time to get some Canteen treats, put on some long pants and tennis shoes, and to get ready for the Campfire Trek!  In a few minutes we will head out to the campfire at Bass Point to sing some fun campfire songs, play some games, and hear a story from Bobber Bill.  Tomorrow, camper parents arrive for the Closing Rally.  We can’t wait to share the rest of this week’s memories with you!

To continue following the story of Camp all year long, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!  Check your email inbox tomorrow after the Closing Rally for an email with links to high quality photos from the week, the video of the week, and a PDF document with some discussion questions for talking to your camper about their week at Camp!

Super Kids 2 – Facebook Photo Album

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