2021 Swinging for Summer Fundraiser!

Six sluggers hope to raise $25,000 to help Camp Lebanon swing back into summer youth camp ministry.

6 “All Stars.” 12 hours. Lots of wiffleballs. And a big heart to help Camp re-open as a Summer Family Resort.  Team Camp knocked it out of the park at Camp Lebanon’s first ever Home Run Derby held at Legends Field (perhaps the coolest wiffleball stadium on the planet!)

When all the swinging was done, 4104 homers were tallied – an amazing average of 342 per hour and 684 per batter! More importantly, with the help of a $5000 match over $18,000 was raised for resort startup costs and scholarships! What a huge blessing!

2021 Goal: $25,000!

That brings us to this year! Same lineup. Bigger goals. New project.  Gunning for 4105 homers, the sluggers hope to raise $25,000 to help Camp Lebanon swing back into summer youth camp ministry.

What will the money be used for?

FIRST $15,000:  Purchase the 40’ x 100’ tent and equipment needed to hold open air chapel for 180 youth campers each week this summer.  The Chalet is too small, meeting outside increases safety during COVID, and the opportunity is too great to swing and miss!

NEXT $5,000: Fund the installation of a cable tow rope for Hazzard Hill snowtubing. Cool!!

ALL THE REST: Sponsor scholarships to help kids and families enjoy the “funnest fun!” at Camp Lebanon!

STEP UP TO THE PLATE: Four fun ways to make a donation!

1) Pledge Per Homer

Any amount helps! Assuming 4000 homers, 1 penny  = $40, 5 cents = $200, etc. MAX AMOUNT OPTION: You are welcome to designate your maximum gift if you’d like, just in case the sluggers blow past your budget.  Assuming the sluggers can hit 4000 homers again, $6.09 per homer in pledges gets us to $25,000! Use the pledge form below to make your pledge. We’ll email you information on how to follow the fundraiser LIVE, too!

2) Simple Donation

Skip the pledge and just give a set amount to go towards the $25,000 goals. Gifts all sizes welcome! Just go to Camp’s donate page and choose the “Swinging For Summer Wiffleball Fundraiser” option or put wiffleball fundraiser in the memo.

3) BONUS: Bobber Bill Half-Time Showbombs!

Add a bonus to your pledge for each homer Camp’s Executive Director connects on in his 10 minutes at the plate. Let’s call it the half-time show : )

4) BONUS: Kiddie Pool Bonus Pledge

Add a bonus to your pledge for each homer that lands in one of five kiddy pools placed beyond the fences during the course of the 12 hours.

Thank you in advance on behalf of the sluggers, Camp Lebanon, and the guests impacted by your donation. To God be the glory!


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1 thought on “2021 Swinging for Summer Fundraiser!”

  1. Pingback: Camp Bought a Tent! - Camp Lebanon

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