Super Kids 2, Day 3

Hello! We’re back for Day 3 of Super Kids 2! 

First things first, we had some technical changes to the internet here at camp, so the Wifi was down for a few hours this morning. Thanks for your patience with the blog!

Picking up where we left off, yesterday’s afternoon game was “Icky Sticky”. This involves lots of water, and tons of laughter! The goal of the game is to try and get other cabins’ counselors wet while protecting your counselor from getting wet! Lots of fun!! After the game, it was free time! Yesterday’s highlight was The Screaming Eagle Zipline! Riders come to the zipline as a cabin, and get to ride in pairs! The zipline is an awesome spot to take photos – lots of genuine smiles!

After free time, it was time for flag lowering, and dinner! Then, once everyone was fed and full, it was time for CARNIVAL! Carnival is always a favorite event of Super Kids week! There were a wide variety of activity stations that campers could participate in and win tickets from (which count for cabin points!) The stations include everything from an obstacle course, to ring toss, to “Wheely Unfortunate”, where campers have the possibility to dunk their counselor, if luck is in their favor!

Unfortunately, the carnival must come to an end, but next was evening chapel in the tent! God provided the most beautiful sunset that we were able to view on the walk to the tent! Tonight in Chapel, our speaker Maryn, went through the story of Lazarus. Jesus has the power to resurrect people, and He is the only one who gives the promise and hope of life after death. He is the reason that death does not have the final say! Jesus is the one who bridges the gap between God and us.

“Jesus, in life and in death, we belong to You.”


In Chapel, Maryn talked about how the consequence of sin is death. Ask your camper how Jesus ended the curse of sin and death. Why does that matter? Pray with your camper, asking God to help you put your hope and trust in Jesus, knowing that the story does not end with death.

This Wednesday morning started out a little bit chilly, but that didn’t stop campers from doing the polar dip! I was told that the water was freezing, but also that it was warm – you’ll have to ask your camper what they thought! 

After polar dip, we raised the flag, and headed into the dining hall for breakfast! Once all the cabins finished eating, it was time for morning chapel. To finish out our morning, campers chose an activity for skillz time, and then spent another hour with their cabins for cabin adventures!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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