Junior High 3, Day 2

These Junior Highers have only been here for a day, but their energy sure has brought Camp to life! Their joyful spirits and contagious laughter fill the air as they enjoy the Funnest Fun! 

Picking up where we left off yesterday, after lunch it was time for mail call, and then clinics and seminars! Campers could choose from a variety of topics/activities; anything from playing carpetball, to learning about worship! 

Then it was free time! A highlight yesterday was the waterfront, where campers could be found enjoying swimming, splashing on the water mat, jumping off the raft, and climbing on the rockit!

After free time, the bell rung for flag lowering and dinner! Following dinner, campers got changed into light or dark shirts, and it was time for Capture the Flag! It was fun to see campers run and find the flags, and see their smiles as they got out of “jail”!

After Capture the Flag, it was canteen time! Campers must have run out all their energy during the game, because the lines were pretty long for canteen! After everyone had gotten their fill, we all met under the big tent for Chapel. It was time for our speaker for the week, Nate, to take the stage, but not before we sung an action song! “Fruit of the Spirit” surely is a fun one! Tonight, Nate talked about our Creator God. We are designed by God’s hand to know the Risen Lord! How amazing is that?!


Ask your camper about Chapel last night. Find Revelation 4:9-11 in the Bible with them. Do they believe God made them specifically so that they can know Jesus? Pray with them, and ask that God reveal Himself through His creation – YOU!

At 7:40 the bell rang, starting off this beautiful Tuesday morning with Polar Dip! I was told that the water was both freezing, and nice; I guess there’s only one way to know! Next is flag raising and breakfast, followed by morning chapel and some free time before lunch!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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