Junior High 2, Day 1

Junior Highers have officially made it to Camp, and we can already tell that it’s going to be a fantastic week! Yesterday afternoon campers arrived at Camp, met their counselors, got settled into their cabins, took their swim tests, and could then be found hanging out in the Hub playing games! These campers have already jumped right into all the fun Camp has to offer, and it is so fun to see their smiles and laughs fill Camp!

Once all the campers had arrived, it was time for “Who’s Who” at the Steps of Faith. This is when all of our non-counseling staff here at Camp introduce themselves to campers. Then it was time for Flag Lowering at the Ampitheatre (tonight, a group of staff showed the campers how it is done; for the rest of the week, cabins can volunteer to do it!). After Flag Lowering, it was time for a picnic dinner of pizza, veggies, cookies, and water. Cabins could find a place around Camp to eat together and lots of them were joined by their cabin friends too! After dinner, everyone made their way over to the Tent for Rules/Chapel – where campers learn about the Top Ten Rules and Guidelines for The Funnest Fun! Then we heard from our speaker for the week, Jon Finke! We got to learn a little bit about our theme for the week, and play “This or That: Snack Edition”! 

Following Chapel, it was canteen time! Campers could be found in line in front of the canteen to get their fill of treats and snacks before the bell rang for a GAME! The game of the night was “Free the Hostage”, which is basically just “Capture the Flag”, but instead of flags, the campers’ goal was to free a hostage. So fun! After the game, it was time for campers to head back to their cabins for devos with their counselors, and then bedtime. 

The safest, BEST place for you to be is with Jesus, right where He wants you to be.

This beautiful Monday morning began with Junior Highers making their way down to the waterfront for Polar Dip! What better way to wake up than by making a splash in Cedar Lake first thing in the morning? After Polar Dip, we all met at the Steps of Faith for Flag Raising, Morning Movement, and learning the first part of our Memory Verse (John 1:1)! After breakfast, campers went back to their cabins for clean-up, and then it was time for TAG Time! Next was Chapel, where we heard from our Missionaries this week, Tom and Barb Ward! They shared stories of their time in Pakistan, and encouraged campers to think about how “sold out” they are for Jesus. 


Talk with your camper about their first night at Camp. What was something they were hoping to learn during the week? Are they willing to serve the Lord overseas or in America if God so leads?

After Chapel, it was Cabin Time, and then Morning Free Time. Once the bell rung ending Free Time, it was time for lunch line-up, where our counselors got to do a fun Ampitheatric! Then it’s time for Mail Call, and Clinics and Seminars. 

We’ll pick up here tomorrow, but in the meantime check out all the photos from this week so far with the link below!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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