Just imagine that you’re in Camp’s Dining Hall, early on a Saturday morning. As you walk outside to sit along the shore, the sun is just starting to peak over Cedar Lake, its glorious rays giving your hair an orange hue. The water is glassy and smooth, the life beneath the surface has yet to awaken its ripples. Steam rolls off your cup of cranberry apple tea, warming your fingertips. As the birds chirp their morning song, you hear a sweet melody pouring down from the Main Hall. You are all but enchanted. As you head upstairs, seeking more of this sweet sound, the chorus gains.
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy . . .
You are holy, holy. . .
The universe declares your majesty . . .
You are holy, holy . . .

Are you feeling hungry? We are, too! Soul hungry, that is!

Maybe a calm morning of early worship or a relaxing afternoon of crafting is what you’re craving. Or, maybe you’re looking for something a little more EPIC! For the adrenaline junkies – volleyball, board games, Wiffle ball, zipline, laser tag, and crazy all-camp games are calling your name!

From relaxing in God’s creation to dominating your friends on any game court, there are so many chances to finding rest and refreshment for your heart and soul this spring. Camp Lebanon’s Young Adult Retreat is being planned by young adults for young adults. And you get to use this retreat however it is most beneficial for you.
For this year’s theme, we are going to be exploring “Soul Hungry” with our speaker, Brad Spauling of Oak Hills Christian College, talking about what our souls crave and the one thing that will satisfy.
We can’t wait to see you there!
REMINDER: Sign Up by April 10th and get $10 OFF when you use the code YARLYBIRD24!