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Experience a Weekend of Worship, Teaching, and Fellowship at Men’s Advance!

Camp Lebanon’s Men’s Advance (April 5-6 (7), 2024) is a short yet impactful discipleship retreat that enables groups of men to fellowship with each other and walk with Christ. This event offers three delicious meals, three insightful teaching sessions, and one night of lodging, providing men age 18+ with an ideal format to connect with God and other men. And if you’re seeking a more extended time of connection, there’s the option to stay through Sunday morning!

While the focus of the weekend is definitely the strong Bible teaching, this retreat also offers men the opportunity to participate in a range of recreational activities, including pool, Pickleball, and ping-pong. And, in addition to the in depth chapel sessions, we will have an “Anything Goes” Q&A session, which allows men to ask any questions they may have.


Quotes from past attendees:

“It was good to come back ‘home’ to Camp and hear truth.”

“I was challenged to consider what was blocking God’s input into my life (and remove it!)”

“Enjoyed the fellowship with men and being pushed to read the Word more.”

“Meeting and connecting with guys from our church was awesome.”

Registration for this spring’s Men’s Advance is now open, but spots fill up quickly every year! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to worship, learn, and connect with other men at Camp Lebanon. Gather your men’s group and sign up today!

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