What It’s Like Being on Summer Staff at Camp!

I grab the hands of the people next to me in prayer, all bowed in unison. I sneak a glance at the 46 young men and women standing in a circle, praying together one last time. Some of their faces are smiling, some are streaked with tears. Whether they are of joy or sorrow, I do not know, but I have a feeling it’s both. This is their last night on the 2023 Summer Staff

I recall watching them give their all these last ten weeks. Jumping off the docks at the crack of dawn, to be drenched by chilling Cedar Lake with their ten campers. Laughing, as they sweat with the D3’ers over a dishwashing line filled with the plates of 250 Super Kids. Dancing their tails off to the beat of an action song they’ve sung about fifty times already. Watching the sunset on the Beaver Boardwalk as they talk about Jesus with a camper who just met Him for the first time.

That was a glimpse from the 2023 Summer Staff’s annual banquet, where we spent our last night praying for their adventures beyond Camp. It was a joy to see each one learn their roles, connect with campers, and grow in their faith amidst the action of Camp. 

Last year, the Summer Staff taught almost 1,800 campers about Jesus, the Living Word! This year, Camp Lebanon’s summer theme is all about “The Good Shepherd.” We’ll be learning about the voice of a loving God who guides, protects, and comforts His sheep in a world which tries to lead them astray. 

But we can’t do it alone! We need over 40 summer staff who love the Lord and want to spend their summer serving Him!

For the summer of 2024, here are the positions we have left to fill:

  • 5-7 Male Counselors
  • 2-3 Female Counselors
  • 5 D3 Team Leads (housekeeping, dining hall, maintenance, program, and LIT supervisors)
  • 1 Master of Ceremonies
  • 1 Junior Staff Supervisor
  • 1 Craft Coordinator
  • 1 Night Watch
  • 1 Videographer

If you love the Lord and want to spend a summer working with kids, Camp Lebanon might be the place for you! Head to Camp’s Summer Staff page for more information and start your application today. Who knows? Maybe next year, a Camp blog post will include a memory from your summer on the staff team.

Read these next.
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