Gym Update: Windows, Doorframes, Electricity, & More!

This is getting fun! Since securing the long awaited plumbing permit in mid-February, it’s been non-stop work on the gym. Windows and doorframes are in. Interior walls are framed and sheet rock is going on. What’s more, electricians are completing the wiring and site work has begun. Almost forgot! The climbing wall is framed and it is amazing!


Soon to come: siding, ceilings, HVAC, light fixtures, and patio concrete. Our gifted interior decorator is busy and so is the Camp team. There’s a long way to go, but we’re on schedule for the last phase: pouring and painting the rubber gym floor during the first week of July. It’s all systems go for chapel in the gym during Senior High Week (July 21-26). Woo Hoo!

SAVE THE DATE:  Gym Grand Opening, Labor Day Monday 11 AM 
Campaign Update: "FILL IT" nears 90%!

Praise the Lord! With the $2.5M needed to “BUILD IT!” fully covered and 87% of the $500,000 needed to FILL the gym already raised, our goal of being fully funded by the September 2 “Grand Opening!” is in reach. “FILL IT!” projects include chairs, tables, couches, sports equipment, patio and Land Bridge concrete, plantings, kitchen equipment, storage shelving, and parking lots. 

Can you help us get over the top? $50 buys one chair (need 400!) 

Simply visit

Great friends make great things happen!

GYM Work Weekend: May 18-19

THE NEED: Carpenters, Handymen, and Helpers

PROJECTS:  Siding, tongue & groove ceilings, site work

Housing available. RSVP required.

Camp is also looking for carpenters, plumbers, and helpers to complete renovations in the new Staff House.

CAN YOU HELP? For details and dates, contact:

Scott Shoemaker, Director of Site & Facilities


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