Camp needs
a boost!

2021 Year End Giving

Storms are coming...

Just like the late August storm that hit Camp (full story), strong winds are blowing in culture and Camp Lebanon’s ministry is being tested. We believe stronger and bigger challenges are yet to come. Moral decay. Societal tensions. Government intrusion. The risk of staff burnout.

...and it's time to prepare.

Camp had a vibrant ministry in 2021, and 2022 is looking even better yet! To remain vital, Camp must be strong to the core. Three commitments will tell the story.  Doctrinally, Camp must remain true to being “unmistakingly Jesus and uncompromisingly biblical, no matter the cost” (CL Vision Statement.) Fiscally, Camp must continue to conform to Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability standards (member since 2001.)  And strategically, Camp must have an even stronger and fully-equipped year-round team.

We need your help.

To thrive, we need your help.  With a gym to build (Groundbreaking August 27) and thousands of youth, families, and adults to love like Jesus in a busy New Year, it’s time to build up “TEAM CAMP.” In the past six months, two new positions were created in ministries and development.  In the next six months, three more positions need to be filled (food service, youth ministries, office.) To get this done, we are trusting God for a $50,000 year-end boost.

Together we can stand strong
for glory of God!

Your generous gift of any size will encourage the team as we celebrate 75 years of ministry and launch into a new era of advancement. Plus, it will provide a boost to help us more effectively proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!  And when the storms do come, Camp will stand strong, full of life inside and out! 

Will you help Camp ramp up to face these storms and shine a bright light for the Gospel?