Investing For Impact
In Matthew 25 we read The Parable of the Talents, where the master goes on a journey and entrusts his wealth to his servants. Two of the servants invested the talents given to them and doubled the return. In verse 23 the master tells them, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”
This passage of Scripture has many applications for us, both personally and as a community. One question to ask is “What has God entrusted us with?” The Camp team believes Jesus entrusted us as caretakers of his ministry here and it is our responsibility to invest what he has given. This has been the case since 1947 as Camp’s founders, staff, volunteers, and donors have invested over and over again. Camp has grown and our desire is to keep investing with the goal of fully maximizing the site for the glory of God! We’re calling this vision “Investing For Impact.”
The "Master's Plan"
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). In the “Master’s Plan” image you’ll see what currently stands at Camp (yellow) and future plans (red). The plan will be rolled out in phases, detailed out below. Ultimately, Camp will have two sites for ministry that will either be able to run one large event or separate retreats/camps simultaneously. The multi-purpose gym, winter tubing hill, and activity hub will serve as a divider and shared space between the two ministry sites. Lord willing, Camp hopes to be able to serve 15,000 overnight guests each year and shine the brightest light possible for the Gospel!
PHASE 1: Elevate The Impact
Camp ministry has a unique way of breaking down the walls surrounding people’s hearts. Life impact happens when people get away from the noise, get outside in God’s creation, get into God’s Word, and get together with others. Camp anticipates an exciting new era for outreach in a world growing increasingly desperate for life, hope, and purpose! There are several key elements of this phase, including the construction of a multi-purpose gym.

- Multi-Purpose Gym (high school regulation court & upgraded worship center)
- Coffee / Snack Shop
- Climbing Wall
- Upgraded Snow Tubing Hill
- Activity Hub
- Internship Program
- Elevated Strategic Partnerships
- Launch “Team Camp”
- Roadways & Infrastructure
- New Activities for All Ages
- Enhanced Worship Experiences
- Deeper Relationships
- Local Outreach & Hospitality
- New Strategic Partnerships
- Bridge to a Future Second Site
PHASE 2: EXPAND The Impact
Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats. Year-Round Retreats.
- Second Ministry Site & Swim Beach
- 75-Bed Lodge
- Year-Round Retreats
- Full Summer of Family Camp
- Super-Sized Events for 300+

For 75 years, Camp Lebanon has provided “A Meeting Place with God” to help the Church do the work of Christ. Through the “funnest fun”, loving relationships, beauty inside and out, and Truth declared and illustrated, our goal is that guests – young and old – will experience the delight of being desired by their Creator God. Hope to see you at Camp soon!
- New Dining Hall / Commons Building
- Chalet Remodel
- Year-Round Retreats
- Full Summer of Family Camp
- Super-Sized Events for 300+