Why Men Should Come to Men’s Advance!

I’m always fired up by what’s happening at Camp Lebanon. (Hey, I’m the Director!) But there’s something extra special about the 2016 Men’s Advance! that should get everyone excited.

Men’s Advance! has a long tradition of providing the optimal format for men. One night (two housing options). Three sessions (plus an anything goes Q & A). And three delicious meals. Throw in some Friday night ice cream and Saturday broomball and you’ve got the perfect retreat.

But wait – there’s more!

Men’s Advance! is first of all a study retreat. At the fall Men’s Retreat (September 16-18), Camp offers all kinds of rec options for the guys and we have a blast (literally!). In the spring, it’s all about “meat” as we focus on a life-relevant topic and go deep into the Word. Small groups follow each session to allow time to “chew” on the key teaching points.

So, it’s the topic of the 2016 Men’s Advance! that gets me all revved up. And it should you as well.

Did you know that 78% of the God’s written, life-changing Word is contained in the 39 books that comprise the Old Testament? (My favorite seminary prof called it, “The Good Testament.”) Sadly, most just skip over it. Too long. Too many laws. Too bloody. Too outdated. Too confusing. And to that I say, “too bad.”

I’ve got good news for your men.  Thanks to the very capable teaching of Pastor Jim Hinson (Palisade Baptist Church – Silver Bay MN), Men’s Advance! 2016 is going to change the way they view and understand the Old Testament. It all starts Friday night with an active “Walk Through the OT” that simultaneously teaches the chronology and geography of the Bible. On Saturday Pastor Jim will add flesh to that skeleton, bringing to life God’s amazing redemption story.

Tony Evans said it right. “For many, the Bible is the Queen of England.  She holds the top position, but has no real power.”

Your men need to come. And we hope men both inside and outside your fellowship will come. As Pastor Hinson has witnessed in the past, this study will help some of the men to find salvation in Christ.  And all will find inspiration. Now that’s worth getting fired up about!

Visit the Men’s Advance webpage for complete information.

Men's Advance! 2016

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