Camp Lebanon News – May 2019

A quick May update, including a recap of spring events, job openings, and new prayer & praise items!

Busy Spring Blossoms into Summer Fun!

The big question facing Camp has changed. “Will winter ever end?” has now morphed into “Will the lake ever warm up?” Thankfully, a cool spring was warmed up with hot action at Camp’s “FAB FIVE” events. Coming off a strong March quilt season (435 guests!), an inspiring Men’s Advance! got things going with 129 men on site. Three weeks later it was 162 Dads N Lads campers who played, ziplined, laser tagged, and swum (not for long!) their way to an incredible weekend. Mother-Daughter (and Grandmas) were next and a record 198 turned out for creative studies of God’s creation (“Remarkable by Design”), complete with a mechanical cow! Soon to follow was a sold out Young at Heart “Spring ReTweet” for senior adults (55!) combined with the annual Spring Senior Day (240 guests!). What a sweet taste of heaven! So was YAR (Young Adults Retreat), but for a younger set and with a lot more activity, like a life-sized Mario Cart!

The pace has been non-stop and won’t stop any time soon! A fun Memorial Weekend (184 guests!) marks the official start a wild and blessed summer season. For much of the spring, youth camps registrations were pouring in at a rate 400+ ahead of last year’s record pace. Wow! Heading into summer, four sessions were already growing “Waiting Lists” and family camps were filling up. So, hurry up sunshine!

New Logo Tells Camp’s Story

The new logo unveiled at the Annual Meeting on March 23 is more than an attractive design. Captured in the art is the heart of the ministry. Can you see the Bible? The centrality of the cross? The focus on relationships (hint: trees)? The welcome of Cedar Lake? The light of the Gospel? The year of Camp’s founding? One camp friend saw the straight and narrow roadway to heaven. What else do you see?

Praise & Pray!

  • PRAISE! Spring Senior Day: 240 guests, $8833 love offering, sweet fellowship!
  • PRAISE! Scholarship Donations: $4000 Foundation gift; $1000 friends of Camp.
  • PRAISE! Record spring events: Men’s Advance, Mother-Daugher, Senior Day!
  • PRAISE! Summer registrations booming: Youth 37% ahead, family up 20%. Wow!
  • PRAISE! Volunteers to the Rescue: office, grounds, waterfront, program. Thanks!
  • PRAY! Staff Openings: Women’s Retreat Coordinator, Facilities Manager.
  • PRAY! Summer Ministries: Spiritually effective; full sessions; safety.
  • PRAY! Summer Staff Search: WANTED! 3 male counselors, 1 more lifeguard.

Staff Openings!

Facilities Manager

The sudden departure of Chris and Debbie Mock to embrace a wonderful opportunity in hometown Pella, Iowa has created an immediate opening for Facilities Manager. Camp seeks a capable, experienced leader with a heart to serve and the skillset to oversee facilities, site, staff, and equipment. Competitive salary with generous benefits (PTO, holidays, healthcare, retirement.)

Women’s Retreat Coordinator

Camp’s booming year-round women’s ministries calls for an additional team member to lead Women’s Retreats (fall & winter) and Mother/Daughter. Full-time, part-time scenarios. Immediate opening.

For more details, email Bill Abeler at

Inbox Blessings

“Thank you for this ministry!! Thank you for the ways you change lives!! Thank you for changing and impacting our family’s lives!! Keep doing what you’re doing!! May God multiply this gift and this ministry at Camp Lebanon…where we always have a meeting with God!” J & W. H.

From a Donor

Read more in the full Camp Lebanon News (May 2019) by Bobber Bill!

Other exciting news from Camp:


Read these next.
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