Two Retreats – One Weekend!

Read a quick recap of two exciting winter camps in one weekend, with links to more photos!

A few weeks ago, Camp Lebanon hosted two winter Camps – Lead 222 Winter Retreat (a high school youth group retreat), and Mega Fun B (for children’s groups in grades 3-6). Mega Fun B had been moved from its original weekend due to a snow storm, but thankfully many who had signed up originally were able to attend the rescheduled weekend. This ended up with Camp Lebanon having two lively groups of students at Camp at the same time, playing games on the ice, zipping down Hazzard Hill on snow tubes, and shaking the rafters of the Main Chapel and A-frame Chapel with their singing!

The weekend was split for the two groups in every area except for meal times, when everyone filled in the Dining Hall at the same time! Our Mega Fun B kids used our A-Frame Chapel, while Lead 222 had their chapels in the Main Hall. Other activities were staggered and coordinated by our amazing staff & volunteer teams, who made sure that the different schedules worked together.

There were lots of things that made this busy weekend at Camp Lebanon fun – including a really slippery, fast tubing hill, some intense competition in the Lead 222 broomball tournament, and an epic Iditarod sled race on the Cedar Lake shoreline for the Mega Fun B kids!

Check out more photo memories from Lead 222 Winter Retreat and Mega Fun B at the links below. We can’t wait to have more fun with these students next winter!

Lead 222 Facebook Album

Lead 222 SmugMug Album (High Quality)

Mega Fun B Facebook Album

Mega Fun B SmugMug Album (High Quality)

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