And just like that, our last week of summer youth camps has begun! With brilliant smiles and excited steps, campers arrived ready for fun. The first stop was to find your cabin! Campers hauled their luggage to their cabin and met their counselors. Once they were all settled in, they could go take their swim test, get a treat from the canteen, or hang out in the hub.

Once everyone arrived, it was time for “Who’s Who” at the Steps of Faith! Our emcee for the week, Izzy, introduced the campers to all of our non-counseling staff. She also introduced all of the counselors. Right when Izzy finished the introductions, she got interrupted by Flora and Boot! (They are some of the characters in our week long skit. They didn’t want to miss out on all the fun!) They told us that they are trying to find the greatest treasure. The campers were happy to help, so they said they’d be back tomorrow so we can find it together. After that, it was time for flag lowering and a picnic dinner.
For dinner, we had burgers, chips, veggies and ice cream; the perfect picnic! Campers got together with their cabin to get to know their counselors and cabin mates by playing some games or sharing fun facts about themselves.
Following dinner, we all met at the big tent to learn Camp’s top ten rules and guidelines for the funnest fun! After learning the rules, it was time to take a tour of Camp. Cabins grouped up and headed out to see the most popular sights at Camp.
Our next activity was chapel we regrouped under the tent and met our speaker of the week, Jackson Standafer! He shared some of his favorite things to do, one of which is story telling. He told us that as we go through this week, he will be telling us one of his favorite stories from his favorite book, the Bible.
After chapel, we had free time, and then a very special treat, the staff variety show! There were lots of giggles as campers watched classic skits such as cool and creamy and synchronized swimming!
Talk to your camper about the first night of Camp. What do they remember doing with their cabin that first night? What was something they were hoping to learn during their week? Can they reenact and skits from the variety show?
This morning started with a splash! Campers had the option to do the polar dip. They could jump in by themselves, or with a group to earn cabin points. The line was extra long today, and there were many exclamations of surprise as they came up out of the water into the cool morning air!

Next on the docket was flag raising. Every morning we raise the flag and every evening we lower it to show respect for our country. This morning, Germany cabin volunteered raised the flag.
After flag raising was breakfast! A delicious meal of pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, and Camp’s famous oatmeal got campers all fueled up and ready for the day.
The next activity was meeting at the steps for an all camp photo. Once we took that, we all headed over to chapel to sing some songs and watch a fun skit about Joseph. Right now, cabins are gathered reading the story together.
We are having such a great time with these Super Kids, and we can’t wait to see how God works in their hearts this week! Check back tomorrow for another blog, and be sure to check out the photo gallery for new photos!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!