We have been so blessed to have a talented team of photographers and videographers this year! Ready for some fun stats? Throughout 2022 retreats, summer camps, and special events Camp has uploaded a whopping total of 17,660 pictures which have been viewed 11,121,641 times – that’s a lot of memories! I’ve compiled four galleries of the “Bests” of this year’s photos to make it easier for you to enjoy them. You can find link to those galleries at the bottom of this post.
But I couldn’t help but make a small album of my own, too. Here are my 22 favorite photos of ’22 and why they mean so much to me! (in no particular order)
Lights Down Hazzard Hill
Don B Wows the Crowd
CAMPmitment Day
In February, we had our first ever CAMPmitment Day to celebrate the Summer Staffers we had already hired only a few months into the year. This particular picture is special to me because all of the staffers behind me are from my first batch of Leaders In Training I had taught the previous summer. I am genuinely so proud of each of my kids and it has been a continuous joy to watch them grow and lead.
Frisbee Golfing Kimmes Boys

Over the Dads N Lads Retreat, the Kimmes boys took a trip around Camp’s Frisbee Golf route. All three have served on our Summer Staff and have blessed Camp’s ministry. It is such a fun opportunity to have them as campers. And enjoy their hilarity.
Baby Beach Time
Our waterfront is always busy during Family retreats, whether campers are soaking in the sun on the sand or jumping from the raft diving boards. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, this sweet moment was captured. What a neat way to let little ones enjoy God’s creation with soft waves and frantic minnows to show His craftsmanship.
The Family That Floats Together, Sticks Together
Sand Spa
Firework Silhouette
Just Checkin' In
Tiresome Anticipation

On opening day of Junior High 2, this group of girls found a perch atop the tires outside the Wiffle Ball Stadium. I remember when the tires used to sit by the playground. Every time I walk past them, I think back to the meaningful one-on-ones I had there as a camper and as a counselor.
Visionary at Work
Time Alone with God
Golden Hour
Women's Worship
I may have a little bias, but if you’ve never listened in on a worship session filled with heavenly voices from a Women’s Retreat, you are seriously missing out. Wendy Gordy has been leading for years, and this is just a snippet of the Spirit working through her musical talent to bring His children to the throne room.
Syncronized Swimming
Baptism on the Waterfront
Empty Tent
Sunset at Bass Point
"Swimming Buddy" by a Screaming Scott Woller
We had a special appearance by the one and only Scott Woller to sing “Swimming Buddy” and the band couldn’t help but crack up. Colorful personalities have brought joys upon joys to campers throughout the years, and this song is a classic one.
*Fun Fact: The band from this weekend was made up entirely of Camp Alumni, specifically in the worship department.*
A Sweet 75th Celebration
Quiet Moment at Camp
Shane Hollenbeck is the Director of Ministries and he’s always ready to jump in and help out. At the Dads N Daughters campfire, he felt a moment of peace knowing the staff and campers alike were having a fun time and took a moment to himself. If I can recall correctly, Shane was singing a Disney song of some sorts to himself while slowly tearing each leaf off this poor plant’s stem. Sometimes, it’s good to remind ourselves that working at Camp is fun and that we can (and should) goof off, too!
Reaching New Heights

For our youth group Fall Fire Retreat, we had a fort-building contest and this shot of a branch-stuffed cone topping a group’s fort shows the ambition and silliness required of any youth group.
It’s been said a picture is worth a thousand words, so there’s about 22,000 for you. Not only do we at Camp Lebanon love providing space to create fun and meaningful memories, we like to capture them, too! For the full galleries, follow these links: