Meet A Staff Member: Rich Olson

Rich Profile.jpgIn a nutshell, Rich would say he is a guy who loves Jesus, coffee, talking about Jesus over coffee, music, people, and ultimate Frisbee. Rich’s history with Camp Lebanon is a long one. He first visited camp as a toddler and has not stopped coming back. He worked through the entire Junior Staff program and worked six summers on Senior Staff before becoming the Director of Youth Ministries. Rich married Anna Olson in May of 2015. Rich has a degree in Theology from Ottawa University. As well as having a passion for youth and for camping ministry, he has a deep passion for music and worshiping God through song. He is excited to see the progression of God’s sovereign plan for his life!

Get to know Rich

  1. What is your favorite color?
    Kelly Green
  2. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?
    New Zealand or Ireland
  3. What is your favorite food? Least favorite?
    Favorite: Stir fry or noodle bowl, preferably cooked on a flat-top grill – Delicious! Least Favorite: Most seafood… or flan.
  4. What do you do for fun when you’re not at Camp?  
    Camping on the North Shore of Lake Superior. It’s fantastic. If you have not gone, GO!
  5. If you ruled the world, what would you change on Day 1?       
    More music programs across the globe. Teaching kids the value of reading and creating music.
  6. What was the last really great book you read?
    Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
  7. Do you volunteer anywhere?     
    Yes. Different churches when they need musicians.
  8. Who is the most influential person in your life?  
    My father.
  9. What is one piece of advice you would give others about life?    
    Find something you love and do it. Immerse yourself in those things you are passionate about and use them for the glory of God.
  10. What is the best part about working at Camp?   
    The always delicious, always heart-healthy, Camp Lebanon oatmeal. And the relationships with friends – new and old.
  11. In your own words, what is your job description?     
    I plan all things for ages 1-35. THEN I go out and tell everyone how awesome those things are!
  12. Describe an embarrassing moment.  
    When I was a junior higher at Camp Lebanon, I decided it would be a good idea to impress some girls by jumping off the wall as high as I could. I preceded to do so… and ripped my pants from inseam to ankle. Talk about a wardrobe malfunction!
  13. What is a Bible verse that has meant a lot to you?  
    Habakkuk 3:17-19
  14. If you could add one thing (building/event/feature/anything/etc…) to Camp and cost wasn’t a factor, what would it be?    
    I would either expedite the building of a gym, or the building of the new (state-of-the-art) chapel/dining hall complex.
  15. What is one of your favorite jokes?         
    What did the pirate say at his eightieth birthday party? Aye matey!
  16. What is one special moment you have experienced at Camp?     
    I got married here!
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