Camp Lebanon’s Summer Staff Hiring Process

A message from Executive Director Bill Abeler about Camp Lebanon's hiring practices for summer camp.

A Message from the Executive Director…

summer camp staff

From the Executive Director, Bill Abeler:

Hello, Camp Lebanon friends! Perhaps you saw the special news report on summer camps aired on KARE 11 on Tuesday’s 10 PM news. The story raised important questions about the summer staff hiring process at camps in Minnesota.

We want you and your friends to know that Camp Lebanon takes seriously its responsibilities for sound summer hiring. In doing so, we subscribe to a process facilitated by MinistrySafe, an industry leader in camper safety and staff recruitment. Endorsed by both the American Camping Association and Christian Camps & Conferences Association, MinistrySafe provides Camps and Conference Centers with state-of-the-art tools and trainings created by attorneys who litigate sexual abuse cases, enabling camps to stay abreast of evolving state reporting, training and screening requirements.

The MinistrySafe screening process includes background checks, reference checks, and a 5-part Camp-specific Sexual Abuse Awareness Training that each staff (year-round and summer) is required by Camp Lebanon management to complete. We also conduct in-person interviews.

We love your kids and cherish the opportunity to build into their lives with the love and life of Jesus. Please call the Camp office if you would like any further information about Camp’s hiring practices at 1.800.816.1502 or visit

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