Cold Temps + Big Groups = HOT Action!
The meteorologists called it the “polar vortex.” Three frigid days below zero in late January (-40 was the bottom!) were, indeed, cold. But Minnesota campers aren’t fear-frozen by a little bit of chill, not when over 150 guests are on site! The Canadian cold front didn’t stand a chance against a camp full of ladies gathered for the Women’s Winter Warm Up! The Thursday Early Birds were met with -10 degrees and, by the end of the weekend, temps soared into the 30’s.
Both Arctic Blasts, with 180 and 200 teens and leaders respectively, also started in negative double digits only to climb into the teens for the send home. In every case, campers had a SIZZLING time singing, learning, broomballing, tubing, hiking, and eating.
Two Mega Funs (grades 3-6) also conquered the deep freeze. There’s simply no stopping the “funnest fun!” at Camp Lebanon. Thanks for wrapping your camp in a warm blanket of prayers. Don’s stop now! Another “warm front” is on the way, beginning with three full weekends of guest groups.
And then come four weekends of March Quilt & Scrap. 318 signed up on the first day of online registration. Talking about generating heat…and excitement! Oh, by the way, summer registration opened on January 16! 130 kids signed up. Time to start looking for robins!

Praise & Pray!
- PRAISE! Quilt Blizzard! 318 registered by the end of day one of online registrations!
- PRAISE! Support: Friends from a Pella, IA church boost camp with a $6800 gift.
- PRAISE! Estate Gift: $10,350 life insurance gift blesses Camp at year end.
- PRAISE! Remembering Camp: David & Margaret Reynolds bequest $2K memorial.
- PRAISE! Record Winter in the Making: Attendance on pace to reach 2200 (up 500!).
- PRAY! Annual Meeting of the Membership: Saturday, February 23
- PRAY! Winter Ministries: Spiritually effective; full weekends; good weather; safety.
- PRAY! Summer Staff Search is on: WANTED! 45 God-loving, kid-crazy leaders.
Read more in the full Camp Lebanon News (February 2019) by Bobber Bill!
Other exciting news from Camp:
- Registration for Summer Youth Camps is open now! Register before April 1st to get a $25 Canteen Card!
- Men, it’s time to Advance! Registration for our spring men’s event is open – sign up as an individual or a group.
- If you follow us on Instagram, you might see beautiful sights like this gorgeous sun dog, captured by Monte Abeler.
- A new deck is going up on the Chalet!