Junior High 3 – Day One

Today is the first day of our last Junior High summer camp for 2019!  We are so excited to start this week with these amazing campers – they are so full of energy, and we can’t wait to share our week of adventures with you on the blog each day!

Campers arrived and were introduced to their cabin counselors before having the chance to take their swimming tests.  There will be a chance for campers who didn’t take the test today to take it tomorrow at the beginning of Free Time.  Then campers went to the Steps of Faith to meet the staff and lower the flag before dinner.  Tonight, we had a picnic meal of sub sandwiches, chips, veggies, juice, and a gooey brownie for dessert!  Campers went with their counselors to sit somewhere outside and to spend some time getting to know their cabin group.

Then it was time for rules in the Chapel!  Campers heard all about Rich’s Top Ten Rules for the Funnest Fun, Swim Time rules, and how to participate in the week-long fishing contest!  Campers went on a tour with their counselor to find out exactly where some big Camp landmarks are and to ask any questions they might have about the week.

Next up, Chapel!  This week, our speaker is Nate Miller.  Nate’s topic for tonight was “God Created.”  He talked about the intentionality of the universe – how our planet exists because of a series of precise factors that had to be perfect in order for life to exist.  It had to be perfect, and mathematically it is impossible…but here we are!  This week, Nate and the campers will be looking at Creation and digging in to God’s Word to try to understand our Awesome Creator through the things He has made and the things He has said!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Read Romans 1:19-20 with your camper.  Talk about some of the things in Creation that show God’s character and attributes.  What are some things that we know about God from the things that He has made?  Take some time to make a list of the things in Creation that help you to see the Awesome Creator.  In what ways is our Creator God beautiful?  In what ways is our Creator God precise?  In what ways is or Creator God creative?  See if your camper remembers any of the examples that Nate gave – or come up with your own examples!

After chapel, campers had some Free Time and Canteen before a big Night Game, then bed time.  Tomorrow we’ll wake up bright and early for Flag Raising at 8:20 (some campers might even jump in the lake for Polar Dip at 7:40), and start our first full day of summer camp!

TAKE CAMP HOME:  Ask your camper about their first day of Junior High 3.  What do they remember doing on the first night.  Can they tell you more about the Night Game – how did the game work, and what did they like most about it?

To continue following the story of Camp this week, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!

Junior High 3 – Facebook Photo Album

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