Why Dads ‘N’ Lads?

In today’s world there is no shortage of opportunities for a dad to build into his boys. What often is missing is action, as in actually getting out and doing something together.

Dads are cool. Its too bad that more people don’t either believe it or see it acted out in real life.

In a society fractured by broken homes, confused identities, and increasing lawlessness, now would be a good time to go back to the original design for “family.”  As established in the Garden of Eden, God’s idea is simple: a man and woman “glued” (literal Hebrew translation) to each other for life. All offspring get “stuck” in that love, too, providing first a home and then a community that knows security, support and health.

Camp Lebanon has been in an ideal position to encourage family from its establishment in 1947. The father-son connection was first spotlighted in the mid 1960’s in what has become one of Camp’s oldest traditions, Dads N Lads. Because quantity time is a prerequisite for quality time to have a chance, a fun weekend away to play, learn, and talk can be strategic for the father wanting to ground a relationship with his son.

In today’s world there is no shortage of opportunities for a dad to build into his boys. Car shows. Sporting events. Road trips. Hunting expeditions. Camping. What often is missing is action, as in actually getting out and doing something together. Enter Camp Lebanon. In providing a safe, clean place with an abundance of recreational options, interesting chapels, balanced schedules, and caring staff, the stage is set for Dad to be cool.

In today’s world there is no shortage of opportunities for a dad to build into his boys ... What often is missing is action, as in actually getting out and doing something together.

One dad put it this way. “At Dads N Lads I was finally able to have a good conversation about God and Jesus with my son and he finally is starting to understand this life a little bit more.” Or as another father noted, “The retreat was an intentional way to focus on God and have fun with my son.”

A quarter of America’s kids don’t have a Dad at home. How sad! And of those that do, many fathers are either silent or too busy to engage. As a result, boys grow into men who continue to struggle to gain a father’s life-launching blessing.

Dads, go for it. Start early and keep at it. Camp Lebanon is glad to help!

“At Dads N Lads I was finally able to have a good conversation about God and Jesus with my son and he finally is starting to understand this life a little bit more.”

Dads 'N' Lads Retreat at Camp Lebanon

The tradition of fathers bringing theirs for a weekend at Camp happens each April. We’d love to have you join us to start this yearly adventure with your child as well!  There are also opportunities for dads to bring their daughters, moms to bring their daughters, and the entire family to come together.

Read more about Dads!

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