Aided by lots of water and sunscreen, staff training is almost complete. Finishing touches are being made as we plan seminars and events like the variety show and mail calls.
Staff tested their stamina on Sunday as they learned the actions for 21 songs. It took an hour and a half to go through all of them. This tradition is fondly referred to as the Marvelous Moving Music Marathon.

God continues to write His story and it is evident in the lives of those working at Camp! We have been able to hear from different staff each day and wow! God has done big things as He has saved and walked with each individual.

Monday afternoon was devoted to sprucing Camp up. We dusted off the tools and got to work.
The Canteen and Chalet got paint touch ups while others added sand on the beach and pulled weeds from the swim area. A new addition this year is the Buddy Bench. When a camper wants to swim but they need a swimming buddy, they can sit on the bench and make a connection with another camper who wants a buddy.