Last night, campers got to go to the Carnival down on the lower field. Our Summer Staff put together a bunch of carnival games for campers, so that they can earn tickets. Tickets are spent on things like face painting, colorful hair, and the DUNK TANK! With enough tickets, campers can dunk their counselor or another staff member in the very cold dunk tank. All of this sounds like so much fun, and we haven’t even mentioned the popcorn, cotton candy, or fun tunes!

After Carnival, campers had a break for Canteen and Free Time before another chapel with our speaker, Shane. Then it was time for bed.

Today was full of fun! It was the last full day of Super Kids 3, so campers went all out for things like swimming, crafts, zipline and laser tag! The waterfront was busy, with kids taking many great leaps from the raft diving boards, or playing “king of the water mat.”

Throughout the week of Camp, counselors make an effort to spend individual time with each of their campers, getting to know them and having fun doing an activity like paddleboating, going to the craft room, or getting canteen snacks together.

Ask your camper about some of the fun activities they got to do with their cabin and with their counselor!
Oh, there’s the bell ringing! Tonight, we had another Chapel in the tent, with crazy action songs and a message from Shane. Then, after a little bit of canteen time, campers are going to take the hike out to Bass Point for the Campfire! There will be more actions songs (including Gorilla Gets the Man) and, maybe, a Lion Hunt! We’ll catch up again tomorrow for the Closing Rally!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!