The bell rang promptly at 7:40am this morning, and the campers awoke with shining faces, ready for the new day! The first event was polar dip. This is when campers have the option to jump in the lake to wake up. Campers love it so much that sometimes entire cabins will do it together!
After polar dip we had flag raising and breakfast. Here at camp, we raise and lower the flag every day as a sign of respect to our country. It is a good way to show how thankful we are to live in a place where we can gather to worship our Risen Lord!
Next was skills! Today, they built some amazing forts, caught some fish, and made beautiful artwork!
After skills we had morning chapel. Yesterday, Bobber Bill taught us five things about God. (God is all powerful, all knowing, all present, all good and all life!) Today he taught us four things about us. (We are created special, we are broken by sin, we are doomed to death, and we are loved by God!) He talked about Genesis, where Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, but then they sinned and the world was broken. He told us the story of Lazarus and how we are all doomed to death. But then he reminded us that Jesus loves us so much that he died in our place. Now we have the opportunity to live forever with him in heaven.
Talk to your camper about the Chapel. Can they recite the five things about God? Do they remember the story of Lazarus? What was something they learned? Can they tell you about the memory verse for the week?
Next was time for a. game! Our morning game today was Animals Got Talent! Cabins picked an animal and created a skit where the animal had a talent. Then they looked around their cabin for props and dressed up their counselor as the animal so they could do the skit!
Our time with these Adventurers is almost half over! We have loved every moment with these campers, and we can’t wait for them to tell you the stories of what God has done in their lives. As we look forward to the campfire tonight, pray that these campers will be touched by the never ending love of Jesus this week.
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!