10 Reasons why Camps Youngest Youth Campers Love Camp!

What a fantastic time we had with these Adventurers!! They are the youngest group of youth campers we have at Camp Lebanon, but they adore every moment of it. From polar dip until the campfire, these campers brought so much joy and life to camp.

Here are the top ten reasons why our youngest campers love Camp!

Carpet Ball Champion

Campers love playing carpet ball, especially with treats from the canteen!

Raising the Flag

Cabins got to raise and lower the flag together this week. How fun!

New Friends

Camp is a great time to connect with friends, new and old!

The Funnest Fun

We always have tons of fun at camp! Whether playing games, or hanging out in the hub, there’s always room for excitement and laughter.

Yay Counselors!

We love our counselors so much!

Kiss the Fish

There were lots of campers out by the fishing docks this week. They caught bunches of fish, and some even gave the fish a kiss!

Loving Staff

Our staff loves being with campers, and the campers love our staff. There were so many sweet moments!

Cheering Squad

It’s so much fun to cheer for your cabin!

Actions Songs

The highlight of chapel is always dancing around to the action songs.

Bible Time with Bobber Bill

At the campfire, Bobber Bill told us stories of how God lavishes his love on us. 


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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