Super Kids 3, Day 3

How is it already Day 3 with these Super Kids?!

Their energy, smiles, and excitement have kept us all going, especially in the humid weather! Picking up where we left off, yesterday’s afternoon game was “Animal’s Got Talent!” where campers got to dress up their counselor as an animal, give them a special talent, and then showcase them to everyone in the main hall!

After the game, it was free time! With the heat and humidity, the waterfront was a popular and busy area, as campers cooled down by swimming during free time! The raft and the water-mats surely are fun places to capture photos – from splashing on the mat, to flipping off the raft diving board!

Following flag lowering and dinner, campers met at the Steps of Faith before the start of Carnival!

Campers could choose to participate in a variety of fun activities, all of which gave them the opportunity to earn tickets; either to collect them for cabin points, or to spend them on fun things like hair chalk, face paint, or dunking a staff member in the dunk tank! 

"Jesus care and loves you so much that He died on the cross for YOU. And me. And everyone here."

At Chapel last night, Zach continued the story of Lazarus, and explained that Jesus inherently understands our pain and emotions, because He felt them when He lost His friend, Lazarus. Jesus died on the cross, because of His love for each and every one of us. Zach asked us, “Do you believe this?”, just like Jesus asked Mary the same question after Lazarus had died. Just like in our memory verse this week (John 11:25-26)! Ask your camper to show you the actions!


Find the story of Lazarus in the Bible with your camper. Do they believe that Jesus died on the cross because of His love for them? Encourage your camper to trust in God and His plans for them. 

At 7:40 this morning, the bell rang for Polar Dip! 

After jumping in lake right away in the morning, it’s time for flag raising and breakfast! Then, it’s time for Chapel, Skillz, and cabin adventures!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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