I apologize for the delay in the blog post, but I’ll get right into it! It blows my mind that it is already the last full day of Junior High 3. These campers have made special friendships, memories to last a life-time, and have truly had The Funnest Fun here at Camp this week.
Similar to every other morning here at Camp this week, the waterfront was bustling with campers ready to take the plunge into Cedar Lake for the last time! Although we have had a steady decline throughout the week in the amount of campers who did the Polar Dip, we still had plenty who participated! Tomorrow, we will get to see and award all the campers who did it every morning throughout the week with a prize (valued between 0 and 1 million dollars; probably closer to 0)!
After Polar Dip, we all met at the Steps of Faith for Flag Raising, a Morning Movement, and to practice our Memory Verse (John 1:1). We’ll get to show all of you this verse and the actions to go with it at the Closing Rally tomorrow – we’ve been working hard on it all week! Then, Brook announced that it was time for breakfast. This morning, we had egg bake, cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, yogurt, orange juice, and the always delicious, always heart-healthy, Camp Lebanon OATMEAL! Once everyone was finished eating, cabins were dismissed for cabin clean-up, and camper TAG time. As I took a walk around Main Camp, I looked around to find campers with their Bibles open, and hands folded, taking intentional time to meet with Jesus each day. It is truly a special time during the day at Camp!
After camper TAG time, it was time for Morning Chapel, so guys met in the Main Hall, and girls met in the Tent! This morning, both men’s chapel and women’s chapel had a panel of some of our amazing summer staff answering questions written by campers. We then move into Cabin Time, and then Morning Free Time. Campers often stick around the Hub during this time, and it is so fun to see them enjoying fellowship and fun with each other as they play games like 4-Square, Octoball and Carpetball! Once the bell rang ending Morning Free Time, it was time for lunch line-up, Mail Call, and then Clinics and Seminars. Next, was Afternoon Free Time!
The afternoon hours tend to fly by here at Camp during Free Time, and today was no exception! After Free Time, the bell rang for Flag Lowering at the Ampitheatre, and then we all made our way to the Dining Hall for dinner. After we finished eating, it was time for Evening Chapel, where we spent some time in worship, sang a few action songs, and even played a Camp favorite game : “Gorilla Gets the Man”! This is truly a Camp favorite, and our Champion for Junior High 3 is Olivia, from Norway cabin! Then, we welcomed Camp guest, Ross to the stage to hear a good message about “running the race” from him in Chapel.
Talk with your camper about Chapel last night. How do they meet with Jesus during worship? How do we “run the race” in a way that reflects the love of Jesus? Pray with your camper, and encourage them to keep their eyes on Jesus every day.
After Chapel, we had some Canteen Time, and some time just to hang out in the Hub together. Then, we played a game – “Persecution”. Night games are popular during our older youth camp weeks, and they are definitely loved by campers! After running out the last of their energy, it was finally time for bed, so campers made their way back to their cabins for devos with their counselors. And with that, we ended our day full of fun!
These campers are full of joy, and their laughter has been such a blessing to Camp this week! Keep praying for them, especially as they begin to transition back home after their week at Camp!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!