Junior High 3 – Day Six

Today is the last day of Junior High 3, and the last Junior High summer camp of 2019!  We have had such an amazing week with these campers – they’ve truly made our last week of Junior High camp a wonderful time and we will miss them.  But we are excited to send them off into the next year, having spent a week learning more about their Awesome Creator.

Parents arrived today at around 10am for the Closing Rally, which started in the Main Hall with a video show and slideshow!  Then we all went out to the Steps of Faith for the rest of the rally.  Campers received prizes for doing Polar Dip, Gorilla Gets the Man, and the week-long fishing competition.  We sang some fun songs and took a Love Offering for summer camps that Camp Lebanon supports in Ukraine.

Nate Miller, our speaker for the week, gave campers a reminder of the things that they learned this week and a challenge going forward into the school year.  Then it was time to encounter our summer-long characters one more time, with a resolution to their adventure.

Then the moment every camper was waiting for (and every staff member was dreading)…pies!  Campers say memory verses throughout the week for a chance to pick a staff member to pie in the face.  Two campers and one staff are chosen out of a bucket of names each week and get to pick their victim.  After hearing proper pie-ing technique from Rich Olson, the Director of Youth and Family, pies fly!


What an incredible week of summer camp!  It’s hard to believe it is over, but we can’t wait to see these campers again next summer and to hear about how God continues to use them in the lives of their friends and family.

To continue following the story of Camp all year long, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to download the Camp App for notifications and easy access to Summer Camp info!  Check your email inbox soon for an email with links to high quality photos from the week, the video of the week, and a PDF document with some discussion questions for talking to your camper about their week at Camp!

Junior High 3 – Facebook Photo Album

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