Gym Update: Windows, Doorframes, Electricity, & More!
This is getting fun! Since securing the long awaited plumbing permit in mid-February, it’s been non-stop work on the gym. Windows and doorframes are in.
Once Camp breaks ground and construction begins we’ll post regular building updates. That will be exciting! Until then, we’ll keep you updated on gym support, stories, and other new developments. It’s gym time!
This is getting fun! Since securing the long awaited plumbing permit in mid-February, it’s been non-stop work on the gym. Windows and doorframes are in.
It took two and half months to secure the septic/plumbing inspection approval but less than twenty-four hours to turn the dirt floors grey. February 21
People get super excited to see the new gym on their walk across the Land Bridge. The 14,000 SF structure is massive. But it’s the inside look
Jaws drop and gasps turn to wonder. First-time visitors to the gym are both surprised by the vastness of the structure and inspired by the
Decades later….gym construction is finally happening! And according to God’s clock, it’s all right on time. August 21 was the big day as truck after
It’s almost GYM TIME! Beginning in early May, site work commences to get ready for footings and the pre-cast gym walls. Woo Hoo! What’s more, Camp
After decades of dreams and a few false starts, it’s gym time…at last!
At last count, over $400,000 was received for the gym in gifts and pledges between November 1 to December 31 pushing the total over $2,150,000! Thank you!
Wow, it sure feels real now! This fall’s groundwork sets the stage for construction on the building to begin next spring.
Thanks to the generous donations of so many friends, Camp has 70% of the funds needed for the new gym!
After decades of dreaming, ground has officially broken on the new multi-purpose gym project!
Camp Lebanon is a year-round Christian Bible Camp and Retreat Center dedicated to providing a “Meeting Place With God” to help the Church do the work of Christ.
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